Stewardship of time, talent and treasure

Please consider creating a Standing Order to support the parish family on a regular basis (Click the button below to access a Standing Order Form).
Through a Gift Aid declaration the parish receives an additional 25 pence for every £1 you donate. That adds up over time and is a tremendous help (click the button below to access a Gift Aid form).

We can only claim Gft Aid on your behalf if you a UK Tax Payer.

 I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for supporting our parish family. May God bless your generosity. Be assured that we are praying for each and every one of you. Fr Tom.

You can of course make a simple bank transfer to St Boniface using the account details below.

Gift Aid Form: Once complete, send to the parish office

Standing Order Form: Once complete, give this directly to your bank.

If you would like to know how to leave a gift for St Boniface in your will, you can find information here.